TLC x Fempreneurs Series: Geraldine Lim (MIRIQA®)

In this special column called the “TLC x Fempreneurs Series”, we will be featuring inspiring Female Entrepreneurs (Fempreneurs) in short. You will be able to have a sneak peek at their mindsets and their daily habits.
Believe in the power of community. On some days when you feel big goals are impossible, or when you feel like giving up, you need to lean on your like-minded community. You can even “borrow” motivation, and in turn “return” with your own inspiring stories to pay it forward.
Meet Geraldine Lim (MIRIQA®)

Tell us a little about yourself. What is your business/ brand about?
I am Geraldine, an entrepreneur/business owner in the healthcare industry. I have been in the medical industry for over 20 years, with experience spanning neuropsychology, vaccines, respiratory products, ophthalmology, and orthopaedics. I also have vast experience in OTC products, such as cough and cold, probiotics, and health supplements and vitamins. I am a mother of two very adorable children, who are 11 and 13. I am married to a pharmacist, whom I work closely with on a daily basis. We run a pharmaceutical company called Wellchem Pharmaceuticals which supplies medicines, medical devices, and supplements to hospitals, pharmacies, clinics, and through online channels.
What got you started on your business?
As a mother of two, I juggle between my responsibilities at home and the demanding nature of being an entrepreneur and a business owner.
Having battled post-partum hair loss, struggled with pigmentation issues, and being a chronic insomniac; I sought treatments, remedies, and all solutions possible; but none delivered the results I needed.
Understanding how important good hair, skin, and sleep are to one’s well-being and how difficult it is to have something that works; I delved deep into looking for viable options and solutions to address these very basic needs of everyday life.
After over three years of intensive research and consulting various medical experts such as dermatologists, my team and I formulated supplements under the MIRIQA® brand which address issues of hair loss, skin pigmentation, and sleep deprivation. My greatest joy is to receive stories of how MIRIQA® has helped women restore what they thought they lost – hair, beauty, a good night’s sleep, and most of all, self-confidence!
Before you started your business, what did you do on a full-time basis?
I was in pharmaceutical sales and marketing, working for GlaxoSmithKline, a multinational pharmaceutical company.
What were some difficulties you faced in your life and how did you overcome them?
I had a very bad fall in Dec 2019 which resulted in injuries all over my body, especially on my face, with the worst hit areas being the philtrum (just above the lips) and on my forehead. I had to have these areas stitched and plastered for 6 months. By God’s grace, and with a lot of laser treatments at the doctors, together with daily consumption of MIRIQA® Skin, I recovered miraculously. Now, the scars are very light and it will be hard for others to know that I was once so badly injured. However, I have to say that the experience was very harrowing, to face the risk of disfiguration, and in turn the huge loss of confidence. I was able to overcome this difficult period through the love of my family (my husband loved me all the same even with my face looking really awful and bruised!), the encouragement from friends and family, prayers and just keeping myself really busy during that period (it was COVID and our business was under the essential businesses). The busyness helped me to forget my woes and before I knew it, I had recovered. And the day I could go out without the plasters and concealers- that was liberating.

Who inspires you?
Strong female entrepreneurs like Sara Blakely (Spanx) and Jamie Kern Lima (IT! Cosmetics)
What excites you most about your industry?
I like being in healthcare because what we do can really help others in their health, confidence, and wellbeing. I also like that we are in the digital era, so we are trailblazers in changing the industry landscape and making a real difference in the lives of consumers today and in the future
What is your vision / personal motto?
My vision or personal motto is to always become the better version of myself every day, whether it is in business, taking care of my children, taking care of my staff, being there for a close friend in need, or taking care of my parents and all whom I am responsible for.

What have you learned recently that you hope the other ladies can take back?
I believe a lot of women are people-pleasers and always try their best for others. And sometimes confrontations/difficult conversations can be hard, especially in a leadership position. However, I think the best formula for having some of these hard conversations, is #1, believe the best in others, and #2, as long as you speak the truth with love, the result will always be better than you expected.
What do you do in your free time as self care? How do you unwind?
Because I am so busy every day, I can tell when I am nearing burnout. So before that happens, I try to do a few things that I know has always helped me to relax.
It can be a facial, a massage, a 2 hour shopping trip to the mall, reading a book, calling a friend for a sounding board, going for a long drive, listening to music, or going on holidays.
How do you think you can help ladies to feel confident and empowered?
Consider how far you have come. If you look at social media, you will always find other women who are prettier, smarter, and more successful than you are, and a woman who feels defeated is not going to be a successful one. Trace back to where you came from, your humble beginnings, give yourself a pat on the shoulder, and celebrate the wins. Afterall, you race against yourself, not against others. To become the best version of who you can be. Truly believe that you are a miracle-in-motion.

What is one thing you are grateful for?
I am very grateful for the team of colleagues we have in the company. Entrepreneurship isn’t easy, but I am surrounded by a whole group of people who are passionate, adaptable, kind, strong, capable, humble, and yet adventurous. I have been really blessed with a team of colleagues who share and chase dreams together. At our opening speech at the start of the year, I liked going to work, like going to school every day to meet my friends and enjoying classes, activities, and recess together. After all, work is such a big part of our lives. It is important to work hard but to also really have fun at the same time. A united team is a very powerful one.
Let us know more about what you do!
MIRIQA® is a range of multi-award-winning supplements designed to meet the basic needs of life, be it for growing hair, glowing skin or deeper sleep. MIRIQA® is a brand owned by Wellchem Pharmaceuticals which has been in the healthcare space for 50 years. We meticulously craft our products with a team of medical experts, ensuring that every formulation is backed by scientific knowledge and expertise for optimal effectiveness. And we are a passionate bunch with a passion that runs deep and is infectious. What’s most important to us, is that what we create truly works, can be of real, tangible help, and be the miracle that we ourselves, and all our customers, are looking for in their quest for hair growth, skin glow, and deep sleep. These are the daily miracles that we celebrate.
You may also find us featured on The Straits Times, ChannelNewsAsia, Nutraingredients, ELLE, HerWorld, LianHe Zaobao, AugustMan, NuYou, etc.
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