Is There a Way to Treat Melasma? Proven Melasma Treatment

Melasma, derived from the Greek word “melas,” meaning black, presents as irregular patches of hyperpigmentation on the skin, usually in dark brown, light brown, or blue-grey spots. It's often dubbed the “Mask of Pregnancy” due to its prevalence in expecting mothers. Hormonal shifts during pregnancy, notably the increased production of oestrogen and progesterone, play a pivotal role in its development. Estrogens influence melanocytes, inducing pigmentation and upregulating the expression of melanocortin type 1 receptor (MC1R) and PDZK1 gene, which leads to the transcription of tyrosinase. These molecular mechanisms contribute to the pathophysiology of melasma, highlighting the intricate connection between hormonal changes and skin pigmentation disorders.

The hormonal surge during pregnancy creates a perfect storm for melasma to make its grand entrance, leaving its mark on the skin like a swirling mask. However, pregnancy is not the sole perpetrator. Hormonal changes can also result from the usage of oral contraceptives, and hormonal therapies. These procedures can disrupt the delicate balance of the skin, paving the way for melasma to take centre stage. So, whether it’s the miracle of pregnancy or the pursuit of hormonal balance, melasma spares no one in its quest to leave its mark on the canvas of skin.

As the hormonal changes of pregnancy, and various other factors set the stage for melasma, the seasonal rhythm of the year also plays a significant role in its manifestation. During the sun-drenched days of summer, melasma tends to intensify, casting its unwelcomed shadow across the skin in darker hues. This can be attributed to the heightened exposure to UV radiation, which stimulates the alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormones, corticotropin, as well as interleukin 1 and endothelin 1, consequently boosting the production of melanin by intraepidermal melanocytes exacerbating the appearance of melasma patches. However, with the onset of cooler temperatures of winter set in and the sunlight wanes in intensity, there is often a noticeable improvement in melasma symptoms. This seasonal ebb and flow underscores the influence of sunlight on the progression of melasma, emphasising the importance of year-round sun protection to mitigate its effects.

Research indicates that it can impact anywhere from 1.55 to 33% of the general population. Among pregnant women, the occurrence is even higher, with approximately 15% to 50% experiencing melasma during pregnancy. Moreover, melasma typically emerges between the ages of 20 and 40, making this age group particularly susceptible to the condition. These statistics underscore the widespread nature of melasma and highlight the importance of understanding and addressing this dermatological concern.

Moreover, women navigating through perimenopause are especially susceptible to melasma due to hormonal fluctuations which is a key risk factor for melasma. During this transitional phase, changes in oestrogen and progesterone levels can disrupt the delicate balance of melanin production in the skin, leading to the onset or exacerbation of melasma. Therefore, it's essential for women in perimenopause to be vigilant about sun protection and skincare practices to minimise the risk of developing melasma and to maintain skin health during this stage of life.

As we delve deeper into understanding melasma, it is essential to explore who is most at risk of developing this skin condition. Interestingly, factors such as skin tone, gender, and hormonal influences play pivotal roles in who will be more susceptible to this condition. Individuals with fairer skin tones are generally less prone to melasma as compared to those with darker skin tones, shedding light on the complex interplay between pigmentation and susceptibility. Moreover, it is notable that women bear the brunt of melasma, with approximately 90% of cases occurring within the female population. Hormonal factors as mentioned above further exacerbate this risk. Delving into these risk factors unveils the multifaceted nature of melasma and shows the need for tailored approaches for its management and prevention. 

Understanding Melasma: Types, Causes, and Signs

Understanding melasma, before diving into the different types of melasma and its many intricacies, it is quintessential to grasp the role of a Wood’s lamp. A Wood’s lamp, also known as a black light, emits ultraviolet (UV) light that can reveal certain skin conditions which may not be visible to the naked eye. Dermatologists often use a Wood’s lamp during epidermal examinations to assess pigmentation disorders like melasma. Now onto the several types of melasma.

  • Epidermal Melasma: Epidermal melasma presents as brown patches on the skin, often with well-defined borders. Under Wood’s lamp, these patches will show increased pigmentation due to melanin accumulation in the epidermis. The treatment response for this condition is often topical, with ingredients such as hydroquinone, retinoids, and azelaic acid.
  • Dermal Melasma: Dermal melasma appears as grey-brown or bluish patches on the skin with indistinct borders. Under Wood’s lamp, dermal melasma may show less pronounced pigmentation due to the melanin accumulation being deeper in the dermis layer of the skin. Treatment of dermal melasma can prove to be more challenging than epidermal melasma as the pigmentation is located deeper into the skin. Treatment options include laser therapy and chemical peels. 
  • Mixed Melasma: Mixed melasma is characterised by a combination of both epidermal and dermal melasma. This means that pigmentation occurs not only in the epidermal layer of the skin but also extends into the deeper dermis layers. Mixed melasma often presents with patches of hyperpigmentation that have both superficial and deeper aspects, resulting in a more complex appearance. Treatment of mixed melasma can be challenging due to its combination of epidermal and dermal involvement. Requiring a more multifaceted approach for effective management.

Radiation, encompassing UV, visible, and infrared radiation, indeed plays a pivotal role in the development of melasma. Prolonged sun exposure without protection stimulates melanin production, exacerbating hyperpigmentation. However, it's essential to recognise that radiation isn't the sole risk factor for melasma. Surprisingly, medications, exposure to LED screens, and certain skincare products can also trigger the onset of melasma. Understanding these diverse triggers is crucial for effective prevention and management strategies.

Blue light, a component of visible light with wavelengths ranging from 400 to 500 nm, has garnered attention for its notoriety in causing skin damage, particularly in the current age with the widespread use of LED screens in electronic devices. Research indicates that blue light can actually induce melasma, especially in darker-toned individuals, with effects lasting as long as three months. Unlike UV-induced pigmentation, which tends to fade relatively quickly, blue light-induced pigmentation can persist due to its ability to activate melanocyte opsin 3. This activation triggers a series of molecular events leading to increased melanin synthesis, contributing to skin darkening. Even individuals without pre-existing pigmentation issues may experience significant darkening of the skin after prolonged exposure to blue light.

The signs and appearance of melasma are often characterised by the presence of irregular patches of hyperpigmentation on the skin. These patches typically manifest as light brown, dark brown, or bluish discolourations, varying in intensity and size. Melasma can occur in various locations on the body, with common sites including the brachial (arms), centrofacial (central face), lateral cheek pattern, malar (cheekbones), mandibular (jawline), and neck regions. The distribution of melasma patches may vary from person to person, and some individuals may experience pigmentation in one or multiple areas simultaneously. Understanding these distinctive signs and patterns is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective management of melasma.

The manifestation of melasma in different areas can be attributed to the melanocytes, which are a type of highly differentiated cell that produces pigment melanin inside melanosomes, These cells can become overactive in response to the various aforementioned triggers, such as but not limited to, UV radiation, hormonal fluctuations, or certain medications. Additionally, certain areas of the skin may be more susceptible to pigmentation due to increased sun exposure or hormonal sensitivity.

Proven Melasma Treatment Options

In the pursuit of effectively managing melasma, MIRIQA® Professional Skin Nutrition Supplement emerges as a promising solution. Let's delve into its key ingredients and the benefits it offers in its fight against melasma. 

Tomatoes With Colourless Carotenoids (PhytofLORAL): 

Tomatoes, enriched with colourless carotenoids, provide a natural shield against harmful UV rays, crucial for preventing further darkening of melasma patches. Beyond sun protection, these carotenoids stimulate skin renewal, aiding in the gradual fading of dark spots and enhancing overall skin texture. Additionally, their skin-brightening properties contribute to a more radiant complexion, helping to even out pigmentation irregularities and improving skin complexion.

Olive Extract (Hydroxytyrosol): 

Due to the polyphenols present in it, olive extract is renowned for its potent antioxidant properties. It serves as a formidable defence against oxidative stress, offering unparalleled protection to skin cells. With antioxidant capabilities surpassing those of vitamin C, olive extract shields the skin from environmental aggressors, helping to mitigate inflammation and redness often associated with melasma. Its anti-inflammatory benefits contribute to a calmer, more balanced complexion, essential for managing melasma-related concerns effectively.


L-Cysteine, a type of amino acid acts as a scavenger of free radicals, L-Cysteine combats oxidative stress at the cellular level, preventing damage that could exacerbate melasma symptoms. Moreover, its synergy with olives and tomatoes enhances skin tone, working harmoniously to lighten pigmentation and promote a brighter, more uniform complexion. By addressing underlying oxidative stress and supporting skin rejuvenation, L-Cysteine plays a pivotal role in the comprehensive management of melasma.

By incorporating MIRIQA® Professional Skin Nutrition Supplement into your skincare routine, you can harness the potent benefits of these key ingredients, paving the way for clearer, more radiant skin.

MIRIQA® Professional Skin Nutrition Supplement is the culmination of our team's dedication and expertise. Crafted with precision and care, each formulation represents meticulous research and an unwavering commitment to healthier skin. Drawing upon the latest advancements in skincare science, every product is carefully developed to ensure unparalleled effectiveness. Our expertly crafted formulations blend innovation with reliability, promising transformative results you can trust.


Wrap up your melasma treatment journey with confidence. Consult healthcare professionals and explore your options. Choose MIRIQA® Professional Skin Nutrition Supplement for natural, effective support. Transform your skincare routine and embrace healthier, radiant skin with MIRIQA® today.

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